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In the world of Android development, managing files securely and efficiently is crucial, especially when your app needs to share files with other apps or the system. This is where the `FileProvider` class comes into play. In this article, we’ll explore what `FileProvider` is, how it works, and how you can implement it in your Android application.

What is FileProvider?

`FileProvider` is a special subclass of `ContentProvider` in Android that facilitates secure file sharing between apps. Traditionally, developers might use file paths to share files between apps, but this approach can expose sensitive data and create security risks. `FileProvider` mitigates these issues by generating a content URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) instead of a file URI.

A content URI is more secure because it doesn’t expose the underlying file path to the receiving app. The system resolves this URI to the file, making sure that only the app with the right permissions can access it.

Why Use FileProvider?
1. Security

Directly sharing file paths between apps can expose the internal structure of your app and allow unauthorized access to sensitive files. `FileProvider` ensures that only apps with explicit permissions can access the shared files.

2. Compatibility

Starting from Android 7.0 (API level 24), Android has restricted the sharing of file URIs. Apps that try to share a file URI between each other will trigger a `FileUriExposedException`. `FileProvider` is the recommended way to share files across apps while maintaining compatibility across different Android versions.

3. Flexibility

`FileProvider` allows you to control which files to share and the permissions granted to other apps. You can share files on a need-to-know basis and define these rules in your app’s manifest file.

How Does FileProvider Work?

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how `FileProvider` works:

1. Defining FileProvider in Manifest

To use `FileProvider`, you need to define it in your Android app’s `AndroidManifest.xml` file. You specify the files that can be shared by defining an XML resource in the `<meta-data>` tag.

 android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />

In this example:

– `android:name` specifies that you’re using the `FileProvider` class.
– `android:authorities` is a unique string that identifies the provider.
– `android:exported` is set to `false` to ensure that other apps cannot access the provider directly.
– `android:grantUriPermissions` allows other apps to access the files via granted URIs.

2. Configuring File Paths

When using `FileProvider`, one of the key steps is defining which files or directories can be accessed through it. This configuration is done in an XML file typically located in the `res/xml` directory of your project. The XML file defines the allowed paths and the corresponding URI structures that `FileProvider` will use to generate content URIs.

2.1 Understanding the `<paths>` Element

The `<paths>` element is the root element in this XML file, and it contains multiple child elements, each representing a different type of file path that can be accessed via the `FileProvider`.

Here’s the basic structure:

<paths xmlns:android="">
 <! - Path configurations go here →

Each child element within `<paths>` defines a specific type of path that `FileProvider` can manage. These elements correspond to various directories on the device’s file system.

2.2 Types of Path Elements

There are several types of path elements you can define. Each type corresponds to a different base directory that the Android framework provides for your app:

— Description: Refers to the files directory within your app’s internal storage (`/data/data/[package_name]/files/`).
— Use Case: Use this when you want to share files that are stored in your app’s internal storage and are private to your app.
— Example:

<files-path name="my_files" path="files/"/>
 In this example, any file stored in the `files/` directory of your app’s internal storage can be accessed through the URI.

— Description: Refers to the cache directory within your app’s internal storage (`/data/data/[package_name]/cache/`).
— Use Case: Use this when you want to share temporary files that are stored in your app’s cache directory.
— Example:

<cache-path name="my_cache" path="cache/"/>
 This allows access to files in the cache directory via a content URI.

— Description: Refers to the external storage directory (e.g., `/sdcard/` or `/storage/emulated/0/`), specifically for files that are not private to your app.
— Use Case: Use this when you want to share files that are stored on external storage, like user-generated content.
— Example:

<external-path name="my_external_files" path="Android/data/com.example.myapp/files/"/>
 This path is specific to your app’s external files directory. It’s useful for sharing files that your app stores on external storage.

— Description: Refers to your app’s external files directory (`/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/[package_name]/files/`).
— Use Case: Use this when sharing files stored on external storage but in a location private to your app.
— Example:

<external-files-path name="my_external_private_files" path="files/"/>

 This is typically used for files that should be managed by the app but stored on external storage

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— Description: Refers to your app’s external cache directory (`/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/[package_name]/cache/`).
— Use Case: Use this for temporary cache files stored on external storage.
— Example:

<external-cache-path name="my_external_cache" path="cache/"/>
 Files in this directory can be shared via `FileProvider` without exposing the entire external storage.

— Description: Refers to the root of the device’s file system. It allows you to access files or directories anywhere on the file system, although this is rarely used due to security concerns.
— Use Case: Generally not recommended, as it can expose sensitive data.
— Example:

<root-path name="my_root_files" path=""/>
3. Generating a Content URI

When you want to share a file, you create a content URI using the `FileProvider.getUriForFile()` method. For example:

File file = new File(context.getFilesDir(), "example.txt");
Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, "com.example.myapp.fileprovider", file);

This URI can then be passed to other apps via `Intent` or other means.

4. Granting Permissions

When sharing the URI with another app, you must grant temporary access permissions to the receiving app:


This ensures that the receiving app can access the file without needing direct file system access.

Example Use Case

Consider an example where you want to share an image from your app’s cache directory with an email app:

1. Create the URI: Generate a content URI for the image file using `FileProvider.getUriForFile()`.

2. Grant Permissions:*Use the `FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION` flag to allow the email app to read the file.

3. Send Intent: Use an `Intent` to send the content URI to the email app.

File imagePath = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "images");
File newFile = new File(imagePath, "image.png");
Uri contentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, "com.example.myapp.fileprovider", newFile);

if (contentUri != null) {
    Intent shareIntent = new Intent();
    shareIntent.setDataAndType(contentUri, context.getContentResolver().getType(contentUri));
    shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, contentUri);
    startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, "Choose an app"));

`FileProvider` is an essential component for Android developers who need to securely share files between apps. By abstracting the file paths and using content URIs, `FileProvider` ensures that your app’s data remains secure while still allowing for flexible file sharing. Whether you’re sharing an image, a document, or any other type of file, `FileProvider` is the recommended approach to do so in a modern, secure, and compatible way.

Dobri Kostadinov
Android Consultant | Trainer
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This article is previously published on



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